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Thea Løvstad | In Her Shoes

Thea Løvstad is a photographer and eco-artist born and raised in a small town by the sea, South in Norway. She has always been inspired and influenced by the contrasts of the special, serene Scandinavian light and the raw nature. 

It's lovely to meet you Thea, we absolutely love your work, could you tell us a bit more about it?

My work is definitely highly inspired and influence by the Scandinavian nature and culture – the philosophy of appreciating the odd and little things such as a special ray of light or a quirky tree. Another important factor in my work is also to as far as possible only work with brands that are sustainably and ethically produced. I think we all have a responsibility to do environmental friendly actions, no matter in which form – whether it be recycling, biking to work, cutting out meat from your diet or choosing more sustainable shopping choices.

So I think as a photographer you need to choose carefully what you want to promote, and that is what I aim for.

Can you tell us a little about your background – what path led you to working in the creative industries?

Creativity and curiosity has always been important to me since I was little, and I don´t think I could ever work with anything that does not include that. My urge to create has been so important that I realised it simply had to become my occupation.

However, I could not decide between architecture, art and design and that is why I ended up in photography – because I can combine all my interests with one medium instead of choosing between them.

When do you do your best work/feel most creative & inspired?

After travelling I tend to be much more creative and inspired.

How do you avoid inspiration fatigue?

Again, travelling is really the key for me. That´s when I feed my brain with new impressions that will translate into interesting work.

And taking a “digital detox” once in a while too - my job involves so much screen, so taking breaks from the phone and computer and avoid meaningless scrolling (another guilty pleasure) really helps. 

What does style & substance mean to you?

My style and aesthetic in general is based on the power of simplicity. Quality rather than quantity, and timeless design with subtile yet interesting details is what I appreciate. To know that the clothes I wear have been produced in a fair and environmental friendly way is nevertheless equally as important as the look of my clothes – that´s style and substance to me: the equilibrium of caring about the production history, the lifespan and the aesthetics of your garments.

Who is your designer crush?

There are so many talented young designers popping up everywhere at the moment, so it is difficult to choose, but my current obsessions are Elisabeth Stray Pedersen for sustainable and beautiful knitwear, Josephine Dahlin´s brand Deitas and the Olsen Twins´ brand The Row which is always on point.

Something inspiring you right now

Designers that choose to be environmental friendly but still manage to be creative, visually intriguing and stay true to themselves.

What are you currently reading?

Quiet – The Power of Introverts in a World That Can´t Stop Talking´ by Susan Cain (terribly long title, but a brilliant book!).

Do you have a favourite artist? 

Tricky to choose just one but I love Kenya Hara for design (which I consider as art) and Agnes Martin´s paintings. 

What’s your mantra?

Do consider advice, but always listen to your gut feeling in the end.


The Swedish duo Frida Vega and Flora Wiström have an amazing podcast I listen to every week. They are just so brutally honest, funny and reflected and talk about everything from veganism to sex and feminism. For those who understand Swedish – check it out!

What are some of your favourite neighbourhood spots in London?

I always do weekend brunch with my boyfriend at Milk in Balham – such a great spot. The menu is seasonal and the food mostly made with organic ingredients. Try their “Sweet Maria”.

The Exhibit is also amazing – The smallest cinema in London, with space for only 24 people. Perfect on a Sunday night with a glass of prosecco in hand.

What’s next on the itinerary?

I am currently working on a project which is related to environmental friendly living, that will hopefully launch some time in 2017.. But nothing is sure yet, it might take years to realise everything!

That aside, I just came back from a lovely weekend trip to Aarhus with my boyfriend and soon heading to Paris for Fashion Week in the end of January!

    To see more of Theas work visit her website and blog, and of course follow her instagram @thealovstad
    Thea wears The Smart Silhouette
    All photos by Thea Løvstad